Visit India: best time, visa and general information

byFrancesca Ligas
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A guide to the most populous country in the world: information on how to obtain a visa, the best time to visit India and much more.

With a population of nearly one and a half billion people, theIndiait is the largest country in the'Asiasouthern, and the seventh in the world in terms of surface area. It is precisely its considerable size that causes India to vary substantially in terms of geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity. If you are planning to visit,cThere are some fundamental aspects that you need to be aware of before departure. To find out more, read on.

Visit India

L 'Indiait is the country of countries, so much so that it is considered a subcontinent. It is a destination where the colors of its landscapes, its fabrics and its gastronomy mix with the intense flavor of its spices. It is a land that leaves no one indifferent. But to know how to deal with it and how to live it, you need to move with a certain caution. Precisely for this reason we have prepared a guide with all theinformationnecessary: ​​theseen, the documentation, thebest time to visit Indiaand so much more. Get ready for a big and wonderful cultural impact.  visit india, asia

General information for visiting India

If you are planning your adventure in this incredible country and are looking for useful information such asseenand the necessary documents, but also curiosities, advice and the best time to visit India, you are in the right place. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know before embarking on your trip, as well as talkinghealth precautions, such as vaccinations andhealth insurance.
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India's history dates back over 5,000 years, when the Indus Valley Civilization flourished along the banks of the Indus River in what is now Pakistan. This civilization was one of the first to have developedor sewer systems, roads and a methodwriting. In the 18th century, India was colonized by the British and was part of the British Empire until 1947, when the movement led by Mahatma Gandhi managed to bring it to independence. Since then, the country has experienced several important political and economic developments and has assumed a role ofimportance on the international scene.indian flag, asia


Le lingue ufficiali dell’India sono l’hindi e l’inglese (quest’ultimo, tuttavia, non è molto parlato al di fuori dei centri urbani e degli operatori turistici). Inoltre, ogni Stato ha le proprie lingue e dialetti. 
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One ofinformazioni più importanti sull'India è con cosa pagare una volta arrivati nel Paese. La valuta indiana è la rupia e gli uffici di cambio accettano gli euro senza problemi. Vi consigliamo di non cambiare gli euro in dollari, poiché si effettuerà una seconda transazione e dovrete pagare una doppia commissione. Le carte di credito sono accettate nei ristoranti di un certo livello e negli hotel per stranieri. Si possono anche utilizzare per prelevare contanti dai bancomat, ma dovrete pagare una commissione per ogni prelievo. Sappiate che la rupia non è una valuta convertibile, quindi è necessario cambiarla all’arrivo e prima di lasciare l’India. moneta indiana


L 'India è un Paese profondamente religioso tanto che ospita molte delle religioni più praticate in tantissime parti delworld. The religion with the largest number of followers is Hinduism, with almost 1 billion believers. Islam, on the other hand, is the second religion and has around 160 million followers, while Christianity, with around 25 million, occupies third place. Buddhism is much less practiced, despite its origins in this country. If this ancient religion fascinates you, we recommend an unusual way to visit India:a 12-day tour as a Buddhist monk in the lands of the Dalai Lama.
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The best time to visit India

One ofinformationmost sought after by those who want to visit India is “what is thebest time?”.This country, being so vast, presents great climatic differences between the various regions. Its climate can be classified into three seasons: cold season, hot season and monsoon season. In general, thebest time to travel to Indiait is between November and February, in the dry season, when temperatures are milder.
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Documents required to enter India

For visiting India is important to know what they all aredocuments necessary for entry into the country. First of all, make sure you have a passport valid for at least six months from the date of arrival. Additionally, you will need to obtain atourist visa for your stay in India, which can be requested online or at the Indian embassy or consulate in your country of residence. It is important to underline that each type ofvisa for Indiahas a maximum length of stay allowed, so carefully check the rules relating to the tourist visa.
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Vaccinations and health insurance

Before leaving, it is important to take all the necessary precautions and have all theinformation necessary to ensure an unforgettable trip.You will surely have wondered whether or not it is necessary to get vaccinated. The answer is no, there are no mandatory vaccinations forvisit India(except if you are arriving from a country infected with yellow fever). However, depending on the areas visited, the length of stay and the characteristics of the traveler, vaccinations are, in some cases, recommended. A'travel insuranceit is instead essential to guarantee adequate medical support: coverage such as emergency medical evacuation and medical expense coverage can be invaluable in dealing with any unforeseen events during your stay.
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What to pack to visit India

Once theinformation on viewand vaccinations forvisitIndia, let's now move on to what to pack. Although we are talking about a hot country, clothing will depend on the time of year you travel and the areas you visit. We recommend that you wear fresh, breathable cotton or linen clothing, preferably with long sleeves, to minimize insect bites and sunburn. Furthermore, for religious reasons, it is advisable for women to wear a headscarf to cover their hair, as well as trousers or long skirts if they intend to visit a Hindu shrine or mosque. As for footwear, opt for closed shoes (especially sneakers), but still bring a pair of sandals. If your trip does not coincide withbest timefor visit India, but with the monsoon season, it will be useful to have a raincoat in your suitcase.
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Security: Is India dangerous?

In general, theIndiait is a safe country for tourists, although petty theft is common, especially in tourist areas and large cities. Pickpockets can be common in crowded places, such as bus and train stations. Therefore, as in any other tourist destination, we strongly advise you to always keep your bags and personal effects well guarded, as this is one of the most widespread forms of petty crime. best time india, taj mahal, asia

Hygienic conditions

Sanitation conditions in India can vary greatly across geographic areas and communities. While in some parts there is access to advanced sanitation infrastructure, many other areas, especially rural ones and poorer communities, can have serious sanitation deficiencies. One of the main problems concerns accessto waterclean drinking. Many Indians depend on contaminated sources, which can cause illness. Precisely for this reason, one of theessential information for your stay in India, is to consume only bottled water.
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Last useful tips before visiting India

Now that you haveinformationnecessary such as vaccinations, theviewand what is thebest time to visit India, we leave you some final tips that may be useful to you:
  • Indians are quite conservative in their dress: short skirts and shorts can be offensive in some areas.
  • It is unusual for couples to kiss or hug in public.
  • The food is always spicy. No matter how many times you ask for it not to be spicy, in India it will always be that way.
  • In summer, Italy has 3:30 hours less than India while in winter this difference goes to 4:30 hours.
  • To save time between one city and another, we recommend that you rely on private guides. For example, you canbook a tour from Delhi to discover the Taj Mahal and the city of Agra with transfers included.
  • The risk of being scammed is quite high. Scams from taxi drivers who convince you to change accommodation are common, as are those from street vendors who give you less change than you should. Whatever service is offered to you, find out its cost first, because they will try to make you pay for literally everything.

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