Temple district of London: walking itinerary

byVerónica Crocitti

A walking itinerary through the main things to see in the Temple district of London, between mystery and silence.

Temple neighborhood. Imagine walking along a very crowded street, where everything is a constant coming and going of lights and noises, where cars and buses pass by non-stop, helping to create a typically metropolitan atmosphere. And then, suddenly, imagine turning left, taking a small path, passing an arch and finding yourself, as if by magic, surrounded by absolute silence.

The qQuarter Temple ofLondonit is exactly this, an island of tranquility set in a large, constantly bustling metropolis. It's almost impossible to understand how, from the very busy trafficFleet Street, one can suddenly find oneself in such a quiet place, with sometimes macabre features. The most favorable moment to "happen" in this district is perhaps at sunset, when the soft lights of the gardens are capable of creating a surreal and magical atmosphere.

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The Temple district is one of the most famous areas of London. Its history has its roots in the times ofTemplars, the religious order founded in the 12th century to protect the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem. The sameTemple Church, the Church, was named in honor of the Temple of Solomon in the Holy City. The Knights had two rooms, what they are todayMiddle Temple and Inner Temple, which constitute the main nucleus of the district. Walking through the narrow streets and magnificent gardens of Temple means immersing yourself in amedieval past still alive and felt. The whole area is evidence of medieval monuments and many buildings today are occupied by the studios ofbarristers, lawyers and high-level magistrates.

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Wandering around Temple is, in itself, a magical experience. Once inside this noise-free area, the advice is to visit theTemple Church, the church built by the Templar order in the 12th century.

It was built on the model of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and today has two parts: theRound Church, the oldest, eThe Chancel(the presbytery), the most recent. Since 1307, the year in which the Templar order was suppressed, it has been used as the chapel of the Inner and Middle Temple. A little curiosity? The writer Dan Brown set part of the famous film thereDa Vinci Code!

Not far from the Temple Church stands theMiddle Temple Venue Hirewith next to theMiddle Temple Hall. Continuing towards the Thames, along Middle Temple Ln, you will finally pass by the splendid gardens of the Inner and Middle Temple.

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The Temple District extends from Fleet Street to theVictoria Embankment. You can easily reach the area by bus (the closest stops are Cancery Lane, The Royal Courts of Justice and Fette Lane), by tube (the closest stops areTemple Station, City Thameslink and Blackfriars).

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